NIGP-CPP Certification

NIGP-CPP Exam - Pass/Fail Statistics

Annual Statistics through May 2024 Testing

Number of Current NIGP-CPP Certificants

Through May 2024 testing, there are 1,519 current NIGP-CPP certificants.

The NIGP-CPP cumulative Pass/Fail Metrics will be published annually, after the May testing window each year. 

The successful and unsuccessful rates will naturally vary between testing windows based on the candidate population and the depth of experience and competency mastered by the candidates.   Therefore, the rates are expressed annually and on a cumulative basis for each specific year. 

Application and registration for the NIGP-CPP certification began in February 2020. To-date, there have been 17 testing windows – Pilot 2020, August 2020, November 2020, February 2021, May 2021, August 2021, November 2021, February 2022, May 2022, August 2022, November 2022, February 2023, May 2023; August 2023; November 2023; February 2024; and May 2024.

Following the stringent standards established in ISO-17024 for professional certification bodies, the NIGP Certification Commission convened a Standard Setting Panel which participated in the standard setting process, overseen by NIGP’s testing and measurement contractor who utilized sound psychometric analyses. In turn, the Standards Setting Panel recommended a passing score to the NIGP Certification Commission which reviewed all data and analyses and determined the passing score. Each scored question is worth one point, and your final score is calculated by the number of points earned on the exam.

Cumulative Pass/Fail Metrics - Pilot 2020 through May 2024 Testing



Cumulative Average
Pass/Fail Rate

Module A


69.2% successful
30.8% unsuccessful

Module B 2,042

73.7% successful
26.3% unsuccessful