Supporting our Chapters

Chapter Academy

Chapter Academy (as part of Leadership Summit) is a great opportunity to get together one-on-one with your chapter leadership peers and learn best practices when it comes to running an effective chapter.  Whether you were able to join us in person, or just join us for our pre and post webinar series we want to be able to share resources and tools that have been created around Chapter Academy.

Post Academy Webinars

Academy Webinar 4:  Chapters and AI
Presenter:  Brooke Smith, MMC, Murray City Corporation and Peggy Hoffman Mariner Management


Academy Webinar 3:  Trouble Shooting Chapter Challenges
Presenter:  Peggy Hoffman, Mariner Management

Virtual Solution Rooms Handout

Pre Academy Webinars

Preparing Your Leaders for a Successful Year:  Building a Leadership Bootcamp
Presented by:  Carrie Mathes, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, C.P.M., CPPB, MPA, CFCM, APP
NIGP Governing Board Chair, Procurement Manager Orange County Florida

Roberts Rules for Beginners
Roberts Rules Cheat Sheet


Chapter Academy Kick Off:  Chapter Dashboards
Presenter:  Peggy Hoffman, Mariner Management

How to complete the Chapter Dashboard


Chapter Dashboard

Academy Attendees