This online training session will provide an overview of the use of Performance-Based Infrastructure (PBI) in the public sector, including content on PBI basics, the potential use of private financing, and case studies that illustrate the procurement process. This online training session will include a baseline understanding of the PBI procurement process, including what the model is, when it is an appropriate delivery method, and why the public sector might utilize private financing in a PBI procurement.
Performance-Based Infrastructure (PBI) is a project delivery method that keeps assets in public ownership and consolidates responsibility for the key phases of a project’s full life cycle—design, construction, and maintenance—into a performance-based contract with a private partner. This consolidation of responsibility, with its emphasis on payment for performance, can create additional public benefits when compared with traditional procurement methods: design and construction innovations, shorter design and construction timelines, improved cost and schedule certainty, lower total life cycle costs, and long-term performance guarantees. PBI procurements can also include elements of private sector financing and operational responsibility. This webinar is targeted toward anyone interested in learning about innovations in the procurement industry for large infrastructure construction projects and will include the how a PBI is similar or different from a Public-Private Partnership (P3) procurement.
What You'll Learn
After completing this online training session, learners will be able to:
1. Describe criteria for when a PBI procurement may be appropriate
2. Interpret lessons learned from various PBI procurements in the US