
Competency Module: Advanced Risk Analysis

  • Date: 02/04/2025
  • Start Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time
  • End Time: 7:00 PM Eastern Time
  • Instructor: Mr. Michael E. Bevis, Esq., NIGP-CPP, JD, CPPO, CPSM, DBIA, CJP, FNIGP, C.P.M.
    Chief Procurement Officer
    Mr. Michael E. Bevis, Esq., NIGP-CPP, JD, CPPO, CPSM, DBIA, CJP, FNIGP, C.P.M.
    Michael Bevis is an internationally recognized thought leader in the public procurement profession. He is currently Chief Procurement Officer for the City of Norfolk, Virginia, where he is charged with integrating business, technology, operations and budgeting goals to further the City’s commitment to grow Norfolk’s economy and adopt programs that build a solid foundation for partnering with the business community. His prior purchasing experiences have included Purchasing Agent for Arlington County, Virginia; Chief Procurement Officer for the City of Naperville, Illinois; Deputy Director of the Federal Acquisition Institute in Washington DC; Deputy Purchasing Agent for the City of Chicago and Purchasing Manager for the Chicago Park District. He also practiced law in Ohio, Illinois and before several US Federal courts before focusing on Procurement Management. Michael is passionate in his support of fellow professionals. He currently serves the Chair of the Center for Job Order Contracting Excellence and in the immediate past Chair of the Governing Board of NIGP the Institute for Public Procurement; he also represents the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management on the Global Standards Board. Michael’s professionalism has been recognized by NIGP (Distinguished Service Award, Pareto Award of Excellence, Manager of the Year, Outstanding Agency Accreditation and Innovation awards), IFPSM (the Lewis Spangler Award), National Purchasing Institute (Achievement of Excellence in Procurement – awarded to his jurisdictions 16 times). Michael’s teaching experiences include 23 years as an Instructor for NIGP, independent curriculum and training development for various agencies. He has presented academic papers and taught professional development classes throughout North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. He served as an Adjunct Professor at Old Dominion University, the University of Maryland and he has taught at DePaul University in Chicago, IL (both Procurement and Project Management Curriculums). Michael is a graduate of Georgetown University Law School (JD), Lincoln Memorial University (BA magna cum laude) and has completed post graduate studies at North Central College (Leadership Studies) and Northern Illinois University (Public Administration). He holds the NIGP-CPP, a CPPO from the UPPCC and the CPSM and lifetime CPM from the Institute for Supply Management.
  • Level: Advanced Practitioner
  • Format: Virtual Instructor-Led
  • Contact Hours: 8
  • CEUs: 0.8
Anticipating risks and problems that can arise during the procurement process is crucial for personal growth and success in the field of procurement. NIGP’s Competency Module: Advanced Risk Analysis is an 8-hour, activity-based learning experience designed to equip you with the skills to effectively manage procurement risks. Through scenario-based exercises, you will learn to conduct peer reviews, mitigate risks after contract award, and minimize risk throughout the contract's life. By creating a risk register and implementing risk mitigation strategies, you will be able to reduce instances of litigation, mistakes, and obstacles in procurement.
Competency Module: Advanced Risk Analysis (Member: Standard)$340.0012/07/202402/02/2025
Competency Module: Advanced Risk Analysis (Non-Member: Standard)$440.00 02/02/2025
Competency Module: Advanced Risk Analysis (Member: Standard) $340.00
Competency Module: Advanced Risk Analysis (Non-Member: Standard) $440.00
(prices valid until Feb 2, 2025)
Spots available: 22


NIGP’s Advanced Risk Analysis course is a scenario-based, 8-hour learning experience where students leave with the ability to:

  • Anticipate risks and problems that can arise during the procurement process.
  • Create and carry out an effective procurement risk management strategy plan.
  • Conduct a peer review of a solicitation to find errors and omissions or make other suggestions to the document, answer supplier questions, and determine appropriate contract terms.
  • Mitigate risk after contract award by ensuring that the people with appropriate approval authorities execute the contract, providing feedback to suppliers not awarded and handling protests and appeals.
  • Minimize risk throughout the life of the contract by monitoring deliverables, conducting reviews and checks on contract performance, mitigate any recurrences of issues, and monitoring customer buy-in.
  • Create a risk register to identify the items with the highest level of associated risk and actions that may be needed to mitigate those risks.
  • Reduce instances of litigation, mistakes, and speed bumps.

Intended Audience

This offering is targeted to individuals who meet or exceed the following professional demographics:  

  • Mid-level public procurement and central warehouse professionals who serve as senior buyers, managers, directors, or equivalent functions within their respective entities.   

  • Non-procurement managers and supervisors who either provide procurement functions that support entity programs under delegated authority, or who already have a good understanding of basic procurement principles but wish to get more in-depth, hands-on training.   

  • Professionals who are employed by local governing entities and special authorities (such as K-12 and higher education, publicly owned utilities, transportation providers, and other publicly funded or created entities) who either serve within or manage the procurement function.  

  • Supplier managers and supervisors seeking to understand the public procurement function from a more in-depth holistic level, including the policies, standards, and procedures by which public entities must function.  

Completion Requirements

In order to successfully complete the NIGP Competency Module, learners must:
  • Attend and participate in the entirety of the instructional event.
  • Complete the post-course evaluation survey available in Aspire.
  • Complete the final assessment examination.


Payment Information

  • Register online with credit card
  • Register online and upload a Purchase Order
  • Register by fax and download the print & fax form


Methods of Payment Accepted: Check (make checks payable to NIGP), Purchase Orders (via print and fax form or online), and Credit Cards (Master Card, Visa, and American Express).

If paying by check, please make check payable to NIGP and send payment to:
NIGP, Attn: Seminar Registration
440 Monticello Avenue Suite 1802
PMB 63452
Norfolk, VA 23510


Cancellation Policy

Registration and payment must be received 24 hours prior to the course start date. After this time, registrations will be based on space availability.  A full refund, less a $75 administrative fee will be given for cancellations made in writing 31+ days prior to the seminar date by emailing No refunds are given for cancellations received within 24 hours of the seminar start date. There are no refunds for no-shows. If the seminar is cancelled for any reason, NIGP's liability is limited to the registration fee only.  

Attendee substitutions within the same agency may be done at any time with email notification to NIGP. If attending via scholarship, please provide documentation verifying the scholarship issuer's name and contact information in lieu of payment information. 

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Competency Module: Advanced Risk Analysis

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