We’ve been told that our ability to think is what separates us from the animals. “I think, therefore I am,” proclaimed Rene’ Descartes in the 17th century. Situations, problems and opportunities confront us on a daily basis. How we handle them and move on is fundamental to long-term success in any endeavor. Simply reacting is not a sound strategy. We each have our own experiences and points of view from which we make assumptions. To that we add facts, opinions and observations to try and arrive at a course of action. We must analyze each situation on its own merits and develop a plan to attack it. This requires the skill set of critical thinking, which examines assumptions, evaluates evidence and assesses conclusions. This workshop will examine many of the facets of critical thinking and provide some useful tools for its proper application.What You'll Learn
2. Find better ways to learn, listen and understand.
3. Apply the problem-solving process and lean ways to devise effective, long-lasting solutions.