Real-time reverse auctions can be a significant source of savings — both time and money — for procurement teams. Though it’s long been recognized as a legitimate public tendering format, there remains a great deal of uncertainty and trepidation about implementing reverse auctions in public procurement strategy. Join our live webinar on October 30th to dive into the why, when, and how of reverse auctions. Together, we will demystify the process and methodology of reverse auctions and answer your questions about this beneficial procurement technique. Whether you’re completely new to reverse auctions, or looking to expand your use into other categories, this is guaranteed to be an information-rich and dynamic session.What You'll Learn
2. Strategies for integrating reverse auctions in your procurement process, from commodity bids to more complex RFPs.
3. Addressing common misconceptions about reverse auctions: including dispelling fears of ‘cut-throat pricing’ or eroded quality of goods and services.
4. Tips for getting started with reverse auctions, including educating internal stakeholders and your vendor community.
5. Real-life examples of successful reverse auction projects.