Dictionary of Procurement Terms

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Search Results: 1-10 of 11 results for “Bidder”
  • Aggrieved Bidder/Proposer/Offeror

    The bidder/proposer/offeror who may be adversely affected by the award of a contract to another bidder/proposer/offeror and protests or appeals the decision.
  • Apparent Low Bidder

    The label used for a bidder that has been determined to have provided the lowest price in a bid or quote, prior to determination of whether the bid is responsive and from a responsible bidder.
  • Bidder

    A supplier who submits a bid in response to an Invitation for Bids (IFB), Invitation to Tender (ITT), or other formal solicitation type in which price is the primary factor in the evaluation process for award determination. See also: Offeror, Proposer, Responder.
  • Bidders Conference

  • Bidders List

    A list of names and addresses of suppliers from whom bids, proposals, or quotations can be solicited. The list is generally retained in a retrievable database. See also: Source List.
  • Ineligible Bidder/Proposer/Offeror

    A bidder/proposer/offeror that does not meet the qualifications stated in the solicitation or a supplier that is currently debarred, suspended, or disqualified.
  • Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder

    The Bidder who fully complied with all of the bid requirements and whose past performance, reputation, and financial capability is deemed acceptable, and who has offered the most advantageous pricing or cost benefit, based on the criteria stipulated in the bid documents.
  • Pre-Qualification (of Bidder/Proposer)

    The screening of potential suppliers/contractors in which such factors as financial capability, reputation, and management are considered to develop a list of qualified businesses that may then be permitted to submit bids/proposals.
  • Qualified Bidder

    A bidder determined by the purchasing organization to meet the minimum standards of business competence, reputation, financial ability, and product quality for placement on the bidders list. See also: Responsible Bidder/Proposer/Offeror.
  • Responsible Bidder/Proposer/Offeror

    A supplier with the integrity and reliability as well as the financial and technical capacity to perform the requirements of the solicitation and subsequent contract. See also: Qualified Bidder.
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