As stewards of the public trust, public procurement professionals must cultivate leadership skills not only to lead others through complex processes but also to become an active contributor to the achievement of their entities as a whole. Building upon the comprehensive belief that leadership at all levels is critical for success in the procurement function, NIGP’s Foundations of Leadership Core Certificate empowers practitioners to take their careers to the next level, integrating hallmark concepts on leadership, innovation, agility, communication, and relationship management to empower novice leaders with the skillsets they need to succeed. Through integrated course methodologies, learners will engage in targeted case studies, exercise-driven scenarios, and concept-driven mentorship in order to gain a foundation understanding of leadership and the practices you need to excel in the field. Throughout this interactive and engaging course, learners will develop the skills they need to become great leaders not only in the procurement function but in the entirety of their governmental entity.
Upon successful completion of the certificate, the certificate holder will be able to:
- Define leadership and explain its role in driving change, innovation, and agility.
- Identify the factors a leader or manager can employ to promote change.
- Identify strategic change and mastering a changing environment.
- Identify the factors in interpersonal communication.
- Recognize the role of the audience in effective communication and the importance of understanding an audience's needs.
- Identify the different communication methods and strategies and explain under which circumstances specific methods and strategies are more likely to be successful.
- Identify the application of specific organizational theories to workplace situations.
- Assess opportunities to improve performance of the procurement organization based on identified challenges and conflicts.
- Analyze context with an enhance understanding based on positions, issues, or problems related to the procurement function or issue.
Intended Audience
This certificate is targeted to individuals who meet or exceed the following professional demographics:
- Public procurement and central warehouse professionals who serve as assistants, coordinators, buyers, or equivalent functions within their respective entities.
- Non-procurement managers and supervisors who are responsible for either the procurement function or staff who provide procurement functions under delegated authority.
- Professionals who are employed by governing entities and special authorities (such as K-12 and higher education, publicly-owned utilities, transportation providers, and other publicly-funded or created organizations) that either serve within or manage the procurement function.
Suppliers or representatives of suppliers seeking to understand the public procurement function from a holistic level, including the policies, standards, and procedures by which public entities must function.
Effective leadership is a vital training component of good public governance.
Certified Compliance Administrator & DBE Fraud Specialist