
Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy and Policy

Pathways gives you multiple paths to get recognition for all your learning achievements, with content delivered using a mix of learning methods from in-person, virtual, or on-demand. The Certificates Program is tiered, letting you build stackable credentialing paths to show an increase in breadth and depth of learning as you move up and across tiers.

Course Availability:

View upcoming dates for this course.

March 6, 2025 - March 7, 2025
Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy and Policy (Member: Standard) $465.00
Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy and Policy (Non-Member: Standard) $565.00
(prices valid until Mar 4, 2025)
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Instructor: Ms. Barbara R. Johnson, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, FNIGP, CPPB, Ms. Lynda Allair, NIGP-CPP, CPPO
Level: Foundation
Virtual Instructor-Led
May 5, 2025 - May 6, 2025
Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy and Policy (Member: Early) $372.00
Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy and Policy (Non-Member: Standard) $565.00
(prices valid until Mar 6, 2025)
Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time
Level: Foundation
Virtual Instructor-Led
August 27, 2025 - August 28, 2025
Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy and Policy (Member: Early) $372.00
Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy and Policy (Non-Member: Standard) $565.00
(prices valid until Jun 28, 2025)
Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time
Level: Foundation
Virtual Instructor-Led
On Demand: Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy & Policy (Member) $360.00
On Demand: Core Certificate: Foundations of Strategy & Policy (Non-Member) $410.00
Instructor: Online Learning
Level: Foundation


As stewards of the public trust, public procurement professionals are expected to demonstrate strategic value to stakeholders throughout both their governmental entities and the suppliers with whom they work. Providing an overview of the ever-changing profession by identifying concepts, common legal and ethical issues, and the precise role of both the procurement function and the public procurement professional in governmental entities, the Foundations of Public Procurement Strategy and Policy Core Certificate provides learners with a holistic, introductory focus on the profession, using practical examples, discussions, group exercises, and case studies to promote application-ready experiences. As a career orientation or refresher course detailing the basic tenants of the public procurement function, NIGP’s Foundations of Public Procurement Strategy and Policy Core Certificate promotes targeted activities and implementable concepts designed to enhance the mission and strategic value of your entity, empowering learners to become more confident in their role as they perform the procurement function in line with commonplace legal requirements and ethical standards.


Upon successful completion of the certificate, the certificate holder will be able to:

  • Participate effectively in strategic planning activities.
  • Advise internal and external clients on the strategic function of procurement.
  • Identify the differences between Law, Regulation and Policy, and Common Law.
  • Manage risk through proper identification and mitigation.
  • Operate with transparency.
  • Select the relevant procurement legislation, regulation, and laws that apply to the work.
  • Recognize and manage ethical and legal issues.

Intended Audience

This certificate is targeted to individuals who meet or exceed the following professional demographics:

  • Entry-level public procurement and central warehouse professionals who serve as assistants, coordinators, buyers, or equivalent functions within their respective entities.
  • Non-procurement managers and supervisors who are responsible for either the procurement function or staff who provide procurement functions under delegated authority.
  • Professionals who are employed by governing entities and special authorities (such as K-12 and higher education, publicly-owned utilities, transportation providers, and other publicly-funded or created organizations) that either serve within or manage the procurement function.
  • Suppliers or representatives of suppliers seeking to understand the public procurement function from a holistic level, including the policies, standards, and procedures by which public entities must function.




Prior to entering the classroom environment, students will be enrolled in the following self-paced pre-work courses to learn and practice necessary concepts.

  • Mission & Public Benefit Pre-work
  • Legislation & Legal Environment Pre-work
  • Enabling Regulations & Compliance Pre-work
  • Ethics, Integrity, and Transparency Pre-work

Delivery Formats Available


Virtual Instructor-Led

Blended (On-Demand + Virtual Instructor-Led)


Contact Hours

Virtual Instructor-Led, Blended & In-Person



Virtual Instructor-Led, Blended & In-Person



Virtual Instructor-Led - 2 Days

In-Person - 2 Days

Blended (On-Demand + Virtual Instructor-Led) - 2 Weeks

On-Demand - On Your Own Time



Designed for public procurement professionals who are new to the profession or have 1-5 of experience.

Competency Alignments

Mission & Public Benefit
Enabling Regulations & Compliance
Ethics, Integrity & Transparency
Legislation & Legal Environment

NIGP-CPP Exam Alignment

Area 1: Strategy
Area 2: Policy, Legislation & Program Oversight


Take these 3 Core Certificates to receive a

Public Procurement Associate Designation

Foundations of Strategy & Policy
Foundations of Planning & Analysis
Foundations of Sourcing & Contracting
Foundations of Strategy & Policy
Foundations of Planning & Analysis
Foundations of Sourcing & Contracting

Available in these learning formats...

 Virtual Instructor-Led

For those that want an experience similar to the in-person classroom, but without the travel. Similar to NIGP’s In-Person courses, a set learning schedule is provided - anywhere from a ½ day to 3-days. Participants engage in a live class with the instructor and peers using Zoom and cameras to provide a very personal and interactive learning environment.


For those that want to learn entirely on their own. These courses are 100% self-paced and are accessible 24/7. Best of all, Pathways content comes with lifetime access and no pre-set due dates. So, take as little or as long as you need to complete your work. Some non-Pathway courses have a 90-day expiration.


For those individuals who want an immersive and interactive experience that takes place at an onsite location with an instructor and peers. These courses follow a set learning schedule - anywhere from a ½ day to 3-days.  

 +  Blended (On-Demand + Virtual Instructor-Led)

This format offers flexibility for those with busy work schedules, but still want access to instructors and peer interaction. These courses follow a set learning schedule (usually 2-4 weeks) where content is primarily taken On Demand. To provide for live instructor and peer interactions, participants are required to attend several short Online Live Learning Events (OLLE). The course may also make use of online discussion forums and assignments to further the learning experience.

2 Day Course

Includes pre-class assignments at least one week in advance of the course and post-class follow up within one week.


Completion Requirements

In order to successfully complete the, learners must:

  • Complete any pre-work materials provided prior to the course start date.
  • Attend and participate in the entirety of the instructional event.
  • Complete the post-course evaluation survey available in Aspire.
  • Complete the final assessment examination with a score of 81% or higher.

2 Week Course

  • Digitally-based learning experience housed in Aspire, NIGP’s learning management system.
  • Please Note: As part of this two-week period, learners are required to participate in one, two-hour OLLE per week of course instructional time.

Completion Requirements

In order to successfully complete the Core Certificate, learners must:

  • Complete any pre-work materials provided prior to the course start date.
  • Attend and participate in the entirety of the Online Live Learning Events (OLLE). Participation is one, two-hour OLLE per week of course instructional time (two OLLLEs total).
  • Review all on-demand content.
  • Complete the post-course evaluation survey available in Aspire.
  • Complete the final assessment examination with a score of 81% or higher.

Learn on your schedule

On-demand training is for those that want to learn entirely on their own. These courses are 100% self-paced and are accessible 24/7. Best of all, Pathways content comes with lifetime access and no pre-set due dates. So, take as little or as long as you need to complete your work. Some non-Pathway courses have a 90-day expiration.

Completion Requirements

In order to successfully complete the Core Certificate, learners must:

  • Complete all course modules.
  • Complete the post-course evaluation survey available in Aspire.
  • Pass the final assessment examination with a score of 81% or higher.

Please Note: This On-Demand certificate is an abbreviated learning experience that emphasizes individual learning. As such, the contact hours have been adjusted based on average user experience. In addition, pre-work is not a requirement as these materials have been built into the self-paced learning experience.