A universal taxonomy for identifying commodities and services in procurement systems


NIGP released the first version of the NIGP Code in 1984. Since then, the NIGP Code has been utilized by thousands of government users, and it continues to grow.


NIGP Code is a universal taxonomy for identifying commodities and services in procurement systems. It is available as a 3-digit class code, a 5-digit class-item code, a 7-digit class-item-group code, and a detailed 11-digit code. The NIGP Commodity and Service Code is the solution that, when mixed with a good procurement software package, brings order and efficiency to public procurement programs.

The Living Code

The Living Code is a dynamic version of the NIGP Code that is continually updated so that it is always current. This online, electronic version of the NIGP Code is updated as new codes are added and existing codes are changed. This means that the latest revisions are always available through the customer's internet browser. In addition to this value-added service, Periscope also now provides an invaluable cross-reference to the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC).

NIGP Code Licenses

The NIGP Commodity and Service Code is commercially available through an annual licensing agreement with a fee structure that is tied to the level of Code required by the customer.

Government entities that purchased a copy of the NIGP Code prior to the availability of a license agreement can continue to use the Code exclusively for their entity's use. However, these older versions of the Code can't upgrade and don't provide access to the array of services available to license holders.

The Code is maintained and supported by Periscope, an Austin-based technology holding company focused on the public sector and the sole custodian and marketer of the Code under an ongoing agreement with NIGP. The NIGP Code has been implemented by 33 states and used by thousands of users at the local level.

Discounts ​for NIGP Members

The NIGP Code license is available to NIGP Agency Members at a 
10% discount off the standard governmental rates.

This discount applies to both new licensees and current license holders. The discount for NIGP Members will continue for the duration of the license, including annual license renewals.