ACCRED - OA4 P-Card Policy Example 2000

  • YEAR CREATED: 2000
  • ENTITY TYPE: State
  • TYPE OF DOCUMENT: POL - Policies/Procedures
This document provides information about the policies and procedures for the use of Purchasing Cards in the state of Arizona. It states that agencies are responsible for establishing internal policies to ensure that the use of the Purchasing Card does not exceed appropriations. Cardholders must be trained on the appropriate use of the card and state contract requirements before being issued a card. The Agency Purchasing Card Administrator is responsible for distributing card applications, documenting their authorization or denial, and monitoring compliance with the policies. Each agency must maintain records of employees who have applied for, received, or been denied a Purchasing Card, and cardholder records should be reviewed semi-annually to ensure eligibility. Procedures must be in place to cancel cards issued to employees who leave the agency. Payment records and statements must be reviewed and matched, and payments must be made within the required time frame. The Purchasing Card is only available to eligible state employees and should be used for authorized state expenditures during authorized duty hours. The Cardholder is liable for charges if they violate state statutes, the Purchasing Card contract, the Arizona State Procurement Code, or use the card for personal expenses. ATM cash advances and the purchase of traveler's checks are not allowed. Card privileges can be canceled or revoked at any time by agency management. The Purchasing Card must be surrendered upon separation from state service, and failure to do so may result in withholding of the card limit from the employee's wages. Employees must sign an acknowledgment and understanding of the policies and procedures before receiving a card. Cardholders must reconcile charges against statements, resolve discrepancies, and ensure the security and proper use of the card. Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately. Improper use of the card may result in disciplinary actions. Compliance reviews may be conducted by the General Accounting Office, and they will review general information, transaction information, and supporting documents.

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